Best Headless CMS solution for Magento

ECommerce is moving, and so is a business! Navigate Commerce is working day by day as a reliable eCommerce agency for partners and merchants across the globe. Making this, we need to keep educating ourselves and the team with more profound and scalable solutions that help our clients gain more sales, especially for Magento. Businesses must constantly aim for ways to enhance their online presence and improve customer experiences. One such advancement is adopting headless CMS (Content Management System) solutions. Having a Headless approach leads businesses with a system that helps them easily create content without hampering their path-to-purchase cycle! It will help them manage no-code content creation. You are curious to know the best headless CMS solution for Magento. This article shares in-depth insights about Magento's top five headless CMS solutions (Adobe Commerce). It explores why headless CMS is essential for modern eCommerce stores.

What is a Headless CMS?

Having an eCommerce website means having different roles for developers, marketing team, and sales team and ensuring that none break any workflows and have the reduced cost of running the operations. With this aim, businesses are emerging with headless CMS solutions for Magento to handle content creation and releases without hampering any development team and increasing costs.

A headless CMS means a content management system that decouples the backend content repository ("body") from the frontend presentation layer ("head"). This separation allows for greater flexibility, enabling businesses to deliver content across various channels, from websites and mobile apps to IoT devices and beyond. It simplifies the workflow and reduces development costs. These benefits make it an excellent choice for e-commerce businesses looking to manage large amounts of data.

This ensures that customers receive a great experience every time.

Why Choose Headless CMS for Your Magento Store?

Magento is meant to be a super flexible eCommerce platform with unmatched out-of-the-box functionalities and custom features that meet your business needs. A reliable CMS is essential when working hard on your Magento website to increase sales and drive traffic with a content-based approach! CMS helps you manage the content flawlessly, and of course, Magento does provide it. Yet, moving to a headless CMS enables you to operate the store well, like separating two operations for developers and the sales and marketing team.

Moreover, when you upload content to your website, you don't need to worry about glitches in your path to purchase. Headless CMS can aid merchants in managing the content of your Magento without worries about breakages. So here are the benefits of headless CMS for your Magento (Adobe Commerce) website.

  • Flexibility and Customization:Headless CMS allows store owners to use their preferred CMS system, leading to customized content and flexibility for them with ease.
  • Omnichannel Delivery:With headless CMS, content can be seamlessly distributed across multiple channels, ensuring a consistent brand experience.
  • Scalability:Decoupling Magento and the CMS system makes it easier to scale your website, as changes can be made independently without disturbing the whole solution.
  • Performance:By allowing headless CMS to be optimized separately, headless CMS can lead to faster load times and better overall performance.
  • Future-Proofing:As new technologies and e-commerce platforms emerge, a headless CMS provides the adaptability to integrate and deliver content to these new channels.
  • Reduced Development Costs:With the ease of Content creation, merchants can manage and create content as and when needed without developer's dependencies and additional costs.

Best Five Headless CMS Solutions for Magento (Adobe Commerce)

We had a review a few days ago by asking the community about the Headless CMS solutions for Magento and got good responses. Based on the solution, we have found the best headless CMS solutions for Magento or Adobe Commerce. Let's see each of them one by one.

1. Prismic


Prismic is a cloud-based headless CMS emphasizing ease of use and quick content delivery. Known for its visual content editor and flexible API, Prismic offers a streamlined content management experience that appeals to developers and marketers. This CMS is perfectly suitable for eCommerce platforms like Magento (Adobe Commerce) because it handles complex content structures and delivers content efficiently across multiple channels. Even the most renowned Magento agency, Elgentos, has made this preferred CMS solution for all their Magento clients. Navigate Commerce has already worked on this solution for our client, and the developers have found it superb to use for future clients.

Key Features:

  • Visual Content Editor:Prismic's intuitive, user-friendly interface allows creators to manage and preview content without extensive technical knowledge.
  • API-Driven:Supports both RESTful and GraphQL APIs, providing flexibility for developers to integrate with various frontend technologies.
  • Slice Machine:Prismic's unique feature allows for the creation of reusable content components, facilitating consistent and efficient content management.
  • SEO-Friendly:Offers built-in tools and features to enhance SEO, helping your content rank high.
  • Content Scheduling:Enables scheduling of content updates, ensuring timely publication across different channels.

Why Choose Prismic for Magento

Prismic's ease of use and powerful API makes it an ideal choice for Magento stores looking to simplify content management while maintaining flexibility. Its visual content editor ensures that marketing teams can independently manage and update content, reducing the dependency on developers and speeding up the content delivery process.

Key Benefits
  • Streamlined Content Management:Prismic’s visual editor allows non-technical users to manage and update content efficiently, making it ideal for fast-paced eCommerce environments.
  • Flexible Integration:The robust API support ensures seamless integration with Magento, allowing developers to use their preferred frontend frameworks.
  • Consistency and Reusability:The Slice Machine feature promotes the creation of reusable content blocks, ensuring consistent branding and faster content updates.
  • Improved SEO:With built-in SEO tools, Prismic helps your Magento store enhance its search engine rankings, driving more organic traffic to your site.
  • Content Scheduling:The ability to schedule content updates ensures that your Magento store remains current and relevant, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

2. Storyblok


Storyblok is a headless CMS that combines visual editing tools with the flexibility of an API-driven approach. It’s designed to be developer-friendly while providing content editors with an intuitive, visual experience for managing content. Storyblok’s unique combination of visual editing and headless architecture makes it a compelling choice for many eCommerce businesses, including those using Magento (Adobe Commerce).

Key Features:

  • Visual Editor:Allows content creators to see a live preview of the content as they edit, making it easier to visualize changes.
  • Component-Based Architecture:Content is managed in reusable components, enhancing consistency and speeding up the content creation process.
  • API-First:Provides robust RESTful and GraphQL APIs, enabling seamless integration with any frontend framework.
  • Collaborative Tools:Features like comments and activity logs support team collaboration and streamline the content approval process.
  • Internationalization:Built-in support for managing multilingual content, crucial for global eCommerce stores.

Why Choose Storyblok for Magento

Storyblok’s visual editor stands out, providing a user-friendly experience for non-technical content creators while maintaining the flexibility developers need. This makes it an excellent choice for Magento stores that want to streamline content management without sacrificing customization and performance. For our couple of B2B Adobe Commerce clients, we are working on their Storyblok integration, and finding is a good choice, too!

Key Benefits:
  • Enhanced User Experience:The visual editor allows marketers and content creators to work independently of developers, speeding up content updates and reducing the risk of errors.
  • Speed and Performance:Decoupling the frontend and backend enhances site performance, as developers can optimize the frontend independently.
  • Scalability:Storyblok’s API-driven approach makes it easy to scale your Magento store and add new content channels as your business grows.
  • Consistent Branding:The component-based structure ensures that branding and UI elements are consistent across all pages.

3. Contentful


Contentful is a leading headless CMS known for its robust API and flexible content modeling capabilities. Designed to deliver content seamlessly across multiple channels, Contentful empowers developers and content creators alike with tools to manage content efficiently. This CMS is highly suitable for eCommerce platforms like Magento (Adobe Commerce) due to its scalability, customization options, and comprehensive developer resources.

Key Features:

  • API-First Approach:Contentful's API-first architecture allows developers to build and integrate content easily with any frontend framework.
  • Content Modeling:Offers a flexible content model, enabling merchants to create custom content types tailored to their specific needs.
  • Omnichannel Delivery:Supports content distribution across various platforms and devices, ensuring a consistent brand experience.
  • Extensive Documentation:Provides comprehensive guides and tutorials, making it a right choice for developers to implement and customize.

Why Choose Contentful for Magento:

Contentful’s powerful API and flexible content modeling capabilities make it an excellent choice for Magento stores seeking a scalable and customizable content management solution. The ability of Contentful to create, manage, and deliver content effectively across different channels ensures a seamless user experience, which is crucial for eCommerce success.

Key Benefits:
  • Flexibility and Customization:Contentful allows Magento developers to create and manage content in a way that aligns with their unique business requirements, enhancing flexibility and customization.
  • Scalability:With Contentful, Magento stores can scale their content management needs effortlessly, adapting to growth and changing market demands.
  • Performance Optimization:Decoupling content management from presentation layers improves site performance, delivering faster load times and enhancing user experience.
  • Collaborative Workflows:Features like content preview and version control streamline collaboration between teams, improving content creation efficiency.
  • Future-Proofing:Contentful's API-first approach ensures compatibility with future technologies and platforms, safeguarding Magento stores against technological obsolescence.

4. Adobe Experience Manager (AEM)


Dedicated to all Adobe Commerce enterprise solutions. Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) is an enterprise-grade headless CMS explicitly designed to integrate seamlessly with Adobe Commerce. It offers comprehensive features tailored to managing complex content requirements and delivering personalized experiences across multiple channels. Its powerful capabilities make it a preferred choice for large-scale eCommerce businesses using Magento (Adobe Commerce).

Key Features:

  • Seamless Integration:Direct integration with Adobe Commerce ensures a unified experience for content management and eCommerce operations.
  • Personalization:Advanced tools for delivering personalized content and experiences based on user behavior and preferences.
  • Scalability:Built to handle large volumes of content and high traffic, making it suitable for enterprise-level Magento stores.
  • API-Driven:Offers powerful APIs for flexible content delivery and integration with various front-end technologies.

Why Choose Adobe Experience Manager for Magento:

Adobe Experience Manager’s seamless integration with Adobe Commerce and robust personalization capabilities make it an ideal choice for Magento stores, aiming to deliver dynamic and personalized content experiences. Its scalability and enterprise-grade features cater to the complex needs of large eCommerce operations.

Key Benefits:
  • Unified Content and Commerce:AEM integrates content management with eCommerce functionalities, providing a cohesive platform for managing both aspects of digital business.
  • Advanced Personalization:Leverages Adobe’s AI and machine learning capabilities to deliver targeted and personalized content across multiple channels, enhancing customer engagement and conversion rates.
  • Enterprise Scalability:Designed to handle the demands of large-scale eCommerce operations, ensuring performance and reliability during peak traffic periods.
  • Workflow Efficiency:Streamlines content creation and management processes with intuitive workflows, collaboration tools, and version control.
  • Future-Proofing:Adobe’s ongoing updates and enhancements ensure compatibility with emerging technologies and industry trends, future-proofing Magento stores against technological obsolescence.

5. Strapi


Strapi is an open-source headless CMS known for its flexibility and developer-friendly approach. Designed to empower developers with customizable content management solutions, Strapi offers a robust set of features suitable for eCommerce platforms like Magento (Adobe Commerce). Its open-source nature allows for extensive customization and integration capabilities, making it a popular choice among developers and businesses.

Key Features:

  • Open-Source:Free to use and customize, making it cost-effective for businesses of all sizes.
  • API Flexibility:Supports RESTful and GraphQL APIs, allowing developers to integrate content with various frontend technologies.
  • User-Friendly Interface:Intuitive dashboard and content editor interface, enabling non-technical users to manage content effectively.
  • Extensions Ecosystem:Offers a wide range of plugins to extend functionality and meet certain business needs.

Why Choose Strapi for Magento:

Strapi’s open-source nature and extensive API flexibility make it an ideal choice for Magento stores looking for a customizable and scalable content management solution. Its user-friendly interface and plugin ecosystem facilitate streamlined content management and integration with Magento, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Key Benefits:
  • Customization:Strapi allows Magento developers to create and manage custom content types and fields, tailoring content management to specific business requirements.
  • Cost-Effectiveness:Being open-source, Strapi eliminates licensing costs, making it a budget-friendly option for eCommerce businesses.
  • Scalability:Easily scales with business growth, accommodating increased content management needs without compromising performance.
  • Community Support:Active community and extensive documentation provide resources and support for developers, facilitating faster implementation and troubleshooting.
  • Integration Capabilities:Seamless integration with Magento via APIs enables efficient data exchange and synchronization between systems.

Table of Comparison

Feature Prismic Storyblok Contentful Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) Strapi
Overview Cloud-based with visual content editor and slice machine Visual editor with component-based architecture API-first with flexible content modeling Enterprise-grade with seamless integration with Adobe Commerce Open-source and highly customizable
API Support RESTful and GraphQL RESTful and GraphQL RESTful and GraphQL RESTful and GraphQL RESTful and GraphQL
Content Modeling Slice Machine Component-based Flexible content model Advanced content modeling Custom content types
Ease of Use High, user-friendly interface High, intuitive visual editor Moderate, extensive documentation High, seamless Adobe Commerce integration Moderate, user-friendly interface
Personalization Limited Limited Limited Advanced AI-driven personalization Limited
Scalability High High High Very High High
Cost Starts at $9/month for the entry-level plan Starts at $7/month for the entry-level plan Starts at $489/month for the entry-level plan Contact Adobe for pricing Free (Open-source)
Customization Moderate High High High Very High
Community and Support Good community support Strong community and support Extensive documentation and community Comprehensive enterprise support Active community and documentation
Integration with Magento Seamless Seamless Seamless Native integration Seamless
SEO Features Good Good Excellent Excellent Good
Content Scheduling Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Multilingual Support Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Which headless CMS would you choose for Magento?

Adopting a headless CMS solution can significantly enhance your Magento store's flexibility, scalability, and performance. The five headless CMS solutions highlighted in this article—Prismic, Storyblok, Contentful, Strapi, and AEM—each offer unique features and benefits that help you create a highly customized and efficient eCommerce experience. By choosing a suitable headless CMS, you can future-proof your online store and deliver content seamlessly across multiple channels, making sure of a consistent and engaging customer experience. Navigate Commerce has worked on couple of CMS solutions and gained the expertise working on headless CMS solutions with Magento development. If you need assistance selecting the right solution for your Magento store, connect with us for 30 minutes of a free consultation.