From Luma to Hyvä: A Game- Changing Transition for

We're absolutely ecstatic to share a major milestone in our journey: becoming a Hyvä Partner Agency. It's been quite the ride, starting off as an official supplier and now reaching this remarkable achievement. But it's not just about us – it's about what this means for our clients and fellow Magento (Adobe Commerce) website owners. In this case study, we'll dive into our excitement about completing a seamless migration from Luma to Hyvä theme and upgrading Magento. With 20 years of business experience, Turbokits encountered its fair share of challenges, making this modern solution all the more rewarding.

About stands as a premier online hub for turbocharging solutions, boasting more than twenty years of expertise in the automotive realm. Renowned for their commitment to delivering top-notch turbocharger kits and accessories globally, prioritizes reliability and customer contentment above all else. This dedication has solidified their position as a go-to resource for enthusiasts seeking to elevate their vehicle's performance. Now, let's delve into the intricacies of managing their online operations and explore how Navigate Commerce has facilitated their journey, enhancing speed and performance through the migration from Luma to Hyvä theme and Magento upgrade.

Challenges Faced

So, this seasoned business veteran of 22 years is always on the lookout for ways to level up his website, aiming to boost orders and ramp up sales. Naturally, like any business owner, his ultimate goal is to cast a wide net and attract as many shoppers as possible. Originally built on a custom solution, the website later transitioned to Magento with the help of an agency that hadn't dabbled much in Magento projects before.

Unfortunately, this mismatch led to a website that underperformed, struggling to secure orders. Plus, the client is a stickler for SEO, diligently following Google's guidelines to rank his products. Hence, enhancing overall performance, SEO ranking, and site speed became top priorities. This sets the stage for how our solution effectively tackled these challenges.

Solution Provided

Taking on the challenge as Hyvä experts, we confidently assured you that migrating from the sluggish Luma theme to the dynamic Hyvä theme would result in a doubling of traffic, orders, and sales. Promising to maintain the SEO rankings by preserving the URL structure and ultimately enhancing them with a superior Core Web Vitals (CWV) score, we embarked on this endeavor. With the challenge accepted, our team swiftly dove in, replacing the old theme and crafting an unparalleled experience through Hyvä theme implementation for your Magento 2 store. Upon launch, the overall performance soared by 47%, accompanied by a noteworthy 22% reduction in page load time. And rest assured, the SEO performance matches the excellence of your turbos! Take a glance at the before-and-after screenshots below to witness the tangible improvements.


Leveraging the robust features of Hyvä while adhering to the highest coding standards and practices, Navigate embarked on the task of replacing the custom Luma theme with Hyvä while upgrading Magento to 2.4.6. Although the solution required considerable time and effort, our primary objective was to establish a fully responsive website. With a track record of assisting B2B agencies in enhancing their efficiency as an extended team, our team boasts extensive experience with the Hyvä theme Magento 2 development cycle and its underlying code structure. This expertise proved to be a significant advantage for We meticulously replicated the catalog, structure, and functionalities onto the Hyvä theme to ensure that the user experience remained seamless, compelling shoppers to embrace the new website. Overall, this strategic move significantly contributed to their e-commerce success, although we remain vigilant in swiftly addressing any minor issues that may arise during the transition period.

Results Achieved

With the Hyvä theme implementation, experienced remarkable improvements:

  • Pass Core Web Vitals for Desktop and Mobile.
  • Overall performance surged by an impressive 47%.
  • Page load time saw a significant reduction of 22%.
  • SEO score increased with 27%.
  • Orders per day soared by an impressive 28%.

Hyvä theme has effortlessly met the challenge laid down by the client. Moving forward, we're committed to maintaining this momentum through ongoing support and maintenance.

Ready to turbocharge your Magento website with Hyvä theme implementation? Give us a call now!